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Arthur Thomas (né Doland) is the son of Laurel and Ashley Thomas and the half-brother of Gabby and brother of Dotty Thomas. However, because of a mix-up at the hospital, he was initially believed to be the son of Greg and Melanie Doland. In 2022, Arthur came out as gay to his family and friends.


2007-2016: Being swapped at birth and early life[]

Born on 26th August 2007, Arthur Thomas is the biological son of Ashley Thomas, the local vicar, and wife Laurel. However, an accidental baby-swap sees him being given to Greg and Melanie Doland, who gives birth nearby on the same day. Their biological son, Daniel Thomas, dies of cot death on 21st February 2008.

Laurel's mother Hilary Potts soon starts to think that Arthur is not Greg and Mel's son, and doctors at the hospital admit there is a possibility that Arthur is Laurel and Ashley's son and advises them to do a DNA test. In May 2008, Mel and Greg decide to leave the village for Spain with Arthur before a DNA test can be conducted. They get caught but Mel gets a moment on her own with Arthur, takes the baby and flees. However, Ashley files for custody of Arthur, which forces Mel to bring Arthur back for a DNA test. Eventually, a test is made and Arthur is proved to be Laurel and Ashley's. 

After a court decision, Arthur is handed over to Ashley and Laurel in June 2008. Arthur then refuses to eat and Mel comes round and helps out. Eventually, Laurel bonds with Arthur, and Greg and Mel leave the village. 

in 2009 Laurel believes that Sally Spode has abducted him but is humiliated when he turns up with her and Ashley having gone out for a trip. He leaves with Laurel and Gabby to Hilary's house although Gabby later returns. Arthur returns to the village with Laurel and she and Ashley reconcile after Sally is arrested.

2016-2019: Ashley's dementia and death[]

In early 2016, Arthur and Gabby learn Ashley has dementia. When Ashley builds a pirate ship playhouse for Arthur, Arthur cuts himself with a saw and Ashley takes him to hospital. Arthur is left alone when Ashley wanders off and ends up at Laurel's baby scan. Laurel and Ashley are told that Ashley isn't to be left on his own with Arthur and Laurel tries to hide it from him.

In September 2016, Laurel gives birth to hers and Ashley's daughter, Dotty Thomas, who is Arthur's younger sister. In December 2016, Laurel tells Gabby and Arthur that they are looking at full-time care for Ashley following a stroke he has. Laurel struggles to cope, so she decides to move Ashley into full-time care, upsetting Gabby and Arthur. Arthur visits Ashley with Laurel and Gabby and sees Ashley with a woman he has developed a bond with. After Gabby has a hard time at school, Laurel takes her and Arthur out of school on compassionate leave.

In April 2017, Ashley is diagnosed with pneumonia when he coughs up blood and Arthur blames himself, after visiting Ashley and being sick. Laurel is told that Ashley is not responding to treatment and that the family should start saying goodbye, which she tells Gabby and Arthur. Laurel brings Ashley home for his final days and he later passes away. At Ashley's funeral, Arthur reads a poem, but runs off and tells Laurel he will never be able to make new memories with Ashley. 

2019-2022: Bullying Archie and relationship With Jai[]

In June 2019, Laurel starts dating Jai Sharma and Arthur gets along well with him. However, things take a turn for the worse when Jai's young son Archie comes back into his life in September. Arthur soon disliked the way Archie had came into their lives and inserted himself into family occasions and traditions, and got jealous of the attention he got from Laurel and Jai. He started viciously bullying Archie, telling him he didn't belong there and that no one actually liked him. His bullying then started turning violent as he shoved and grabbed Archie, leaving bruises. When Laurel and Jai spotted the bruises Arthur put the blame on family friend Jimmy King, making Archie go along with his lies. By December his bullying had gotten so bad that Archie ran away from home after Arthur told him no one wanted him there. He was fortunately found and returned home the next day but Arthur continued to bully him. 

In February 2020, Sandy died and Arthur was convinced it was his fault as Sandy only started getting sick when he started bullying Archie. He finally confessed to Laurel what he had done and said he believed that God was punishing him. A furious Laurel told him he had done a really bad thing, but assured him she still loved him. Laurel refrained from telling Jai whilst the family went to Australia for Sandy's funeral. When they returned from their trip, Arthur felt guilty when Laurel told him she had turned down Jai's idea of them living together due to what he did to Archie. Arthur tried to go up to Jai and admit what he did but Laurel stopped him. However, after they returned home to find Archie hurt on the floor, Laurel blurted out that he's been hurting Archie convinced he's done it again. Despite this, Arthur was adamant that Archie just fell, trying to get something from a high shelf and Archie is lying, but no one believes him. Laurel orders him to start going to counselling while Archie started trying to get his own back by threatening Arthur, saying he could get him sent away for good. 

In May 2020, Arthur wanted to get back at Archie and make him understand how it felt to get blamed for something he didn't do and started a camp fire at Holdgate Farm after Archie was told to wait till the adults were back. However, he accidentally used too much fuel and as Arthur and Archie ran away they didn't see how the fire spread to the tent where Dotty was sleeping. Laurel got back in time and saved Dotty but was furious with Arthur and didn't believe his lies when he was trying to blame Archie. 

Arthur wasn’t seen again until December 2020 Laurel spent the night thinking over her options on her pregnancy and the baby’s potential down syndrome and takes her mood out on Arthur who does not know about it. When he gets home from school Laurel apologises for being narky with him then sends him to the café. A few days later as Laurel and Jai receive the CVS results confirming the baby would have down syndrome devastating them both, Gabby searches for hints about her birthday and Christmas present. When she looks through Jai's briefcase, she finds Laurel's ultrasound scan photo, Arthur stares in disbelief. When Laurel and Jai return to Mulberry Cottage, Gabby and Arthur reveal they found the ultrasound scan then Arthur presents Laurel with a card that he and Dotty made for her, and he is excited at the thought of a new sibling. When Laurel and Jai decide to not have the baby and agree that a termination is best they prepare to sit down and tell the kids, which Laurel was adamantly against until Rhona changed her mind. However, as Laurel explains why she’s getting an abortion and reveals the baby has down syndrome Arthur is left confused. Arthur asks if the baby is like Leo. When Laurel confirms it is, Arthur questions why she'd get rid of it. Arthur can't comprehend why Laurel has chosen to have a termination and tries to talk her out of it. He wonders if Laurel is doing this because of him. Laurel assures her son she's not so Arthur begs her to keep the baby then. Laurel states she can't. Once Arthur and Gabby have gone upstairs, Laurel tells Jai that Arthur's reaction is exactly why she didn't want to tell them. Jai assures her it'll blow over in a few of days but Laurel doesn't think so; she believes telling Gabby and Arthur was a mistake and wishes she would've listened to her gut rather than Jai and Rhona. The next day as Laurel prepares to leave for her appointment, she tries to talk to Arthur but Arthur doesn't believe there's anything to talk about. With Laurel and Jai at the hospital, Arthur returns from school, Gabby assures him Laurel isn't having the termination because of him then tells her brother that Laurel and Jai need their support. When Laurel and Jai return from the hospital. Arthur informs them and he and Gabby will see to dinner and offers to sit with Laurel for a while. Laurel is glad of Arthur's support.

2022 to present: Coming out and Marshall[]

In December 2022, Arthur begins acting uncomfortable when April Windsor shows signs of having a crush on him and snaps at both Noah and Jimmy when they tease or ask about the crush. He is than seen crying by his father's grave. When Nicola notices his behaviour, she encourages him to open up and tell her what is wrong. Through a game of hangman, Arthur emotionally comes out as gay to Nicola, who tells him that everything is going to be ok and states that he can come out anytime he feels ready. However, Elliot hears this and unwittingly outs him at school to the shock and support of April, Cathy and Heath. Humilliated, Arthur breaks down and tells Laurel the truth about his sexuallity. He is relieved when Laurel supports him thoroughly and eases his fears by telling him that Ashley would have loved him no matter what and that he wouldn't be against his sexuality. Arthur, having been initially against telling Laurel admits that he is happy he told her feeling a weight off his shoulders. He can finally live his true life and be honest with his friends and family about who he is.

Marshall Hamston meets up with Arthur and April at Café Main Street, where Arthur and April invite him to a party at April's home, which Marshall attends with his friends Gus and Tom. Marshall talks to Arthur outside, saying he'd like to go out on a date with him. Marshall and Arthur are about to kiss, when Gus and Tom appear from the upstairs window, saying Marshall won the bet, leaving Arthur humiliated and he runs away upset. The next day, Marshall tries to talk to Arthur, but April intervenes and punches Marshall in the face.

A few weeks later, Marshall tries to apologise to Arthur again. Arthur doesn't believe him, until Tom shows up and Marshall stands up for him when Tom taunts him. Laurel finds out that Marshall is hanging out with Arthur again and tells him to stay away from her son. Marshall finds Arthur after hearing his assembly about LGBT+ has been postponed and admits everything he said at the party was true and that he didn't know Gus and Tom were watching them. Marshall leans in to kiss Arthur, but runs off after receiving a call from his dad. The next day, Marshall meets Arthur, Laurel intervenes but Arthur gets her to back off. Marshall insists he isn't gay to Arthur and later witnesses Arthur's mum Laurel confront his dad when she works out he was responsible for postponing Arthur's assembly. A few days later, Marshall tells Arthur they can't be friends anymore and to leave him alone, he says being gay is sick and wrong, which he later retracts saying he meant he isn't keen on Arthur in that way but insists they still can't be friends.

Marshall decides last minute to turn up to Arthur's LGBT+ event at the village hall. Laurel avoids him from running into his dad Colin but later overhears Arthur when he goes to meet him outside. Arthur explains that he doesn't think he is being honest about his feelings but Colin interrupts them before it gets much further. Marshall once again meets Arthur to say that they won't ever be able to see each other again as his farther is sending him away to boarding school.

Laurel catches Arthur hiding Marshall in Rishi's house, she insists on him giving her his dad's number so he can tell her where he is. Colin meets up to talk with Laurel and Marshall where he explains he handled the whole situation badly, he convinces them he won't send Marshall to boarding school and that he can still see Arthur. At home, Marshall manages to message Arthur to tell him it was all a facade, causing Laurel to give Colin a visit. Colin is exposed as physically and emotionally abusive to Marshall, so a horrified Laurel takes him away to her house.

Marshall moves in with the family at Mulberry Cottage and spends more time with Arthur. Colin continues to manipulate Marshall, which results in Marshall becoming ill after getting drunk. He recovers and eventually comes out as gay to the rest of Arthur's friends, and he and Arthur start dating. However, Marshall realises that the relationship isn't working and breaks up with Arthur to move in with his aunt Jean. Arthur is devastated, and his grief is compounded when Jai's father Rishi - whom Arthur had been getting along well with - dies suddenly. Arthur supports Archie and Dotty while Jai attends Rishi's funeral, and asks Laurel to pick up some things for Marshall. This backfires when Colin ends up holding Laurel hostage; however, he gets out alive.

At the beginning of 2024, Arthur's friend Heath Hope dies in a car accident caused by his twin Cathy and the duo's friend Angelica King. Arthur mourns Heath and consoles both April and Cathy. He has his classmates sign a shirt for Heath and presents it to Heath's stepmother Brenda Walker, who is touched by Arthur's efforts.


Address Duration
Skipdale 26th August to 21st December 2007
Caravan in Church Lane car park 21st December 2007 to Late-April 2008
Tenant House Late-April to 5th June 2008
Mulberry Cottage 5th June 2008 to 4th December 2009
Lytham St Annes 4th December 2009 to 23rd February 2010
Mulberry Cottage 23rd February 2010 to 27th September 2012
Tall Trees Cottage 27th September 2012 to 30th April 2015
Brook Cottage 30th April 2015 to 26th January 2016
Mulberry Cottage 26th January 2016 to present


  • Arthur is allergic to seafood and bee stings.

Additional information[]


"I'm me! I'm proud of being me! If that bothers you, fine - but it's your problem, not mine. I refuse to be afraid of who I am." - calling out his bullies in a video commentary

See also[]
