Bishop Barry was the bishop of Skipdale, the dioceses St. Mary's Church, Emmerdale is in.
In July 2017, the Bishop nearly caught vicar Harriet Finch canoodling with her boyfriend Cain Dingle in the vestry of St. Mary's. A half-dressed Harriet tried to stop Barry from going into the vestry and finding Cain, but failed. When the bishop pulled open the curtain, he found Cain dressed in a cassock, claiming to be "Father Gideon". Bishop Barry talked with "Father Gideon" about church matters. As Cain was about to leave, Barry informed Harriet that one of her parishioners had complained about an inappropriate relationship between her and an "unsavoury character". Barry labelled Cain "scum" and mentioned his long list of criminal activities. Cain could't stand being badmouthed and threatened the Bishop before walking out of the church. A few months later, while dropping off granddaughter Sarah at the church for choir practice, Cain ran into the bishop and apologised. The bishop accepted his apology, delighting Harriet.
In the new year, Harriet admitted to the Bishop that she'd lost faith in herself and her ability to do her job. Subsequently, she quit as vicar to concentrate on her relationship with Cain, but before she could tell Cain about it decision, Cain dumped her. Harriet realised she had made a mistake leaving the church and asked the Bishop for her job back, but by that time, plans were in place for a new vicar to take over the parish. Bishop Barry explained to Harriet that even if alternative plans hadn't been put in place, he wouldn't feel comfortable giving her her job back.
Bishop Barry's nephew Rhys took over as vicar of St. Mary's, but after a month, Rhys realised he wasn't suited to the parish. Rhys called the Bishop to hand in his resignation as well as to tell him he was mad for letting Harriet leave. The Bishop was reluctant to give Harriet her job back, but after interviewing her and talking to the church council and wardens, he reinstated her.