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Part One: On the video, Will reveals to Dawn that Kim paid Ross to have him taken out before. The next day, Dawn confronts Ross about the video. Ross admits that Kim wanted Will ran out of town but not hurt. He explains how he tried to get Will in the back of his van but he fell and ended up seeing Ross was his kidnapper and the two of them made a deal that Ross would go back to Kim and tell her that Will was dead. He tells Dawn that Will and Kim were both playing each other but this was prior to them making up and encourages her to forget about the video. Ruby treats Steph to a spa day for just the two of them. Marlon is angry with Mary for confronting Laurel in the pub and risking her relapsing. Cathy tells Marlon that her friends at college have decided to put posts out online to try and find April. Dawn remains stoney-faced as Kim vows they will get through together. Bob has a check-up with Manpreet and Jacob after having sleepless nights and dizzy spells. Manpreet tells Jacob that he is doing a good job but reminds him to make sure that he is maintaining a work/life balance. Dawn shows Billy the video that Will left for her. Anthony receives a call from his oncologist who tells him his cancer is spreading faster than expected. Kim sets off to the funeral riding Ice as Dawn and Billy watch on.

Part Two: A small number of people gather at the church for Will's funeral. Dawn shrugs Kim off when Kim puts a supportive hand on her shoulder. Anthony plans to talk to his solicitor in the morning to make sure his affairs are in order. He asks Caleb to not tell Ruby about the call, saying he does not want to force her into making up with him. Will's funeral gets underway and Kim reads a eulogy. Dawn interrupts, calling her a murderer in front of everyone. Bob informs Marlon about an online group for parents of missing children who use the group to spread the word. Mary and Rhona suggest Marlon film an appeal directly targeting April so they can make it viral. Dawn informs the congregation about Will's video. Kim reminds her about the coroner's verdict but admits that things got very heightened between her and Will before they called off the divorce. She insists she never made any threat to Will's life. Dawn shoves Kim and she falls into Will's coffin, knocking the flowers to the floor. As Dawn leaves the church, Kim tearfully carries on with the service. Outside, Billy tries to console Dawn. As he leaves to get her a drink, Dawn pulls out her mobile phone. Ruby and Steph arrive back from their spa visit having had a good day. Ruby encourages Steph to stay in for a girls' night with her. Dawn and Billy return to the funeral as Will is buried. The police arrive and ask Kim to accompany them to the station to answer questions.


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  • This episode was shown at the earlier time of 7:00pm.
  • TV Times synopsis: Marlon is convinced to take action, Dawn is raging, and Jacob is aware his stress is out of control.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 4,006,000 viewers (29th place).