Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Zoe informs Jack that Emmerdale Farm's slurry has caused the Cryptosporidium outbreak. Bill and Jock ask Alan if he has got any work going; he says he needs a secretary. Kim tells Alan, in confidence, that she is planning to breed horses. Amos confronts Nick about the fish found in The Woolpack. Meg bans Seth from drinking beer in the pub. Frank offers to pay Jack £50 to take his fertilizer off his hands. Alan asks Kim if he can stable Champion at Home Farm; he offers to give her regular supplies of trout as payment. Bill and Jock ask Jack for a job at Emmerdale Farm but he can't offer them anything. Annie asks Sarah to go out for tea; she reluctantly agrees. Chris asks Kathy for a dinner date again. Sarah has tea with Annie, Sam and Robert. Annie watches her closely and questions her about her relationship with Jack. Mark is upset about his mum having a baby with Joe. Kathy turns up for her date with Chris and asks him about Maxine. He tells Kathy that she is the fiancee of a friend. Alan goes to dinner at Home Farm. Amos, Mark and Rachel help Nick restore Frank's koi carp into the pond. Frank asks Alan what he thinks of turning Home Farm into a theme park. Alan's left skeptical when Frank responds he's only joking after seeing his reaction. Chris asks to see Kathy again but she isn't keen. The fish are released into the pond. Alan and Frank clash about their differing ideas about the countryside. Frank discovers Nick in the grounds of Home Farm; he's impressed by the way Nick sorted out the problem of the fish and lets him keep his job.


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