Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Paddy is going animal crackers after Mandy caught a glimpse of his building society book. The cash-strapped Dingles need £6,000 to buy their condemned property or face eviction. And Paddy looks like being the one who will have to cough-up. He pleads with Mandy not to say anything just yet while secretly wondering how he can dig himself out of this hole. But when he runs the whole thing past Marlon he gets some sobering advice - pay-up, or else! Kim takes the news that Dave was not James's father to Ned and Roy. When Ned tells her he's glad this episode in their lives has been finally laid to rest, Kim rails at him. She feels she has now lost the only thing that still kept Dave alive for her. Betty quits her job when Kathy tells her she wants Biff to work at the diner. Betty believes Biff colluded with Lady Tara with hers and Seth's eviction and that he's now trying to take her job. Kathy persuades her to come back, but Betty stipulates that just because she's working with him, doesn't mean she'll speak to him. Paulette gets her comeuppance when Scott tells her their affair was a one-night stand and Roy reveals he doesn't want to know her anymore.


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