Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Love's young dream Butch and Emily appear to be heading for a fall. For when Emily visits Viv to apologise for her absence from work, father is watching her every move. John follows Emily to Home Farm, and forces his way in to the house, intent on persuading her to come home. When Butch walks in, John erupts in fury and goes to strike Emily. But Butch intervenes and gives John a taste of his own medicine. Kelly confesses to Roy that she is sick of the cramped living conditions at Annie's Cottage. Viv admits to Scott and Donna that there is little chance of finding Kelly's deposit money as she has spent her savings on refitting the shop. Marlon puts the first piece of his master plan to improve the Diner into action - much to Betty's angst.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • A passer-by is uncredited despite a line of dialogue.
  • TV Times synopsis: In his search for Emily, her father only manages to find Butch. Meanwhile, Donna sets out to reconcile Scott and Kelly.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 11,420,000 viewers (10th place - combined figure including repeat).