Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


On his way back from buying Louise a new mobile phone, Ray spots Terry and, convinced that he is the sinister stalker, threatens him to stay out of her life. Mill Cottage, meanwhile, is fast turning into a fortress. Fresh on the heels of the police's visit the previous evening, workmen are busy changing locks in a bid to make Louise feel more secure. Terry tries to quiz her about the visit from the boys in blue, but she is clearly uneasy in his company. And her fears prove founded when Diane reveals to Louise that she has found a screwed up picture of her in Terry's bin. She is left with no choice but to call the police. Paddy and Emily continue to try and come to terms with the conflict that their new arrival is causing. Jacob is desperate to be excused from P.E – but Paddy and Emily find themselves at odds about how to deal with him. They are both stunned, however, to discover that he is playing truant from school. But when Paddy tackles Jacob about the truancy, he finds himself relating to him when he reveals that he is being bullied because of his size. Their bonding goes one step too far, though, and Emily is not happy. Zoe is starting to face up to how she will deal with the arrival of her unborn child and prepares for an adoption meeting – insisting that she doesn't care where the baby goes, as long as it goes somewhere away from her. She confides in Terry that she finds it difficult talking about the unknown father and has to admit that she will probably never know who he is.


Regular cast[]

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  • No episode was shown on Wednesday 4th December due to an edition of Cruise Ship airing in Emmerdale's place.
  • The workman who changes the locks at Mill Cottage is uncredited despite a line of dialogue.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 9,970,000 viewers (12th place).