Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Lisa is increasingly worried about the Dingle debts spiralling out of control – but Zak’s mind is elsewhere as Shadrach delivers the sad news that their father has passed away. Having led a fairly simple life, he hasn’t left much behind. But that doesn’t stop Sam dreaming up a wild fantasy of a hidden fortune when he unearths a key to a bank box in Jed’s belongings. With little to keep her in Emmerdale now that she has split from Cain, Latisha mulls over the chance of a new life in Lisbon. And her mind is made up for her when a brooding Cain picks a fight with Jason. Cynthia is happy that Latisha has made a sensible decision for once and hopes that having a mother in tow won’t cramp her style. But unsure where his future lies, Danny has to decide whether to follow his family overseas or go it alone in Emmerdale. Laurel is bursting with enthusiasm as she recruits able voices for a Christmas choir. But the songs she has in mind are hardly traditional hymns. Meanwhile, Louise is far from full of Christmas cheer, she has just read her own obituary in the local newspaper.


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