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Lisa is angry and unsympathetic as Zak tries to explain that finding Jed's long lost loot is their only chance to put an end to the Dingle debts. Tossing his argument aside, she frantically tries to make him see sense as he continues to pack his bags. In a last ditch effort to keep the family together, Lisa even gets physical with Zak, but it's all to no avail. Sam is convinced that he is to join Zak on his big adventure and happily talks of his pending adventure as he joins revellers at the pub. Little does he realise that Zak plans to go it alone and is happy for him to be out of the way so that he can leave without causing him any pain. Knows that it is now or never, Zak bids an emotional farewell to Lisa before heading off into the night. But how will Lisa, Sam and the rest of the Dingle clan react to their beloved head of the family breaking rank to plough his own furrow? Regretting how he dealt with Len's plea for help, Jarvis tries to make amends and offers to give him dance lessons. As they practice in the empty village hall, Jarvis admits that he misses dancing - but swears Len to secrecy. But their plans start top come unstuck when they unwittingly get on the wrong side of Edna! Meanwhile, as the clock ticks down to a good old New Year's Eve knees up in The Woolpack, Nicola and Steph find themselves fighting for the attention of the same man when Syd arrives with his friend Neil in tow at The Woolpack. But as Steph goes to check on her make-up, Nicola seizes the moment and moves in for the kill. Steph isn't about to walk away without a fight, however, and decides to try and throw a spanner in the works. Elsewhere in the village, the police continue to investigate the suspicious death and Louise grows increasingly anxious that the truth will out about the death.


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