Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Zak notes Sam’s agony over Alice’s departure and after visiting Butch and Ben’s graves he returns in a new frame of mind, telling his son he must not miss his opportunity to be happy. They drive to the train station and Sam makes a dash for a train. The station master refuses to let Sam board without a ticket but after a threat from Zak he gives in. Sam is finally reunited with Alice and bids an emotional farewell to his family as the couple disappear to embark on a new life together. Elsewhere, Jimmy feels undermined by Tom at work and he accuses Sadie of failing to support him. Sadie warns her husband not to take Tom on, but Jimmy rebuffs her for sounding more like his father everyday. Charity witnesses the whole exchange and swoops in on Jimmy with the intention of manipulating the situation to her advantage. Meanwhile, Tom tells Max that he can live in Jacob's Fold but that he will need a job in order to pay the rent each month. Despite his father's words, Max rejects a job from Paddy and furious Tom is forced to make it clear that he will accept the work whether he likes it or not.


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