Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Alice is slightly taken aback to witness another cancer patient's hair come out in clumps. She decides to take control of her own destiny and starts to hack at her hair with a pair of scissors. Later, Sam is taken aback to see Alice with no hair, but she breaks the silence by asking him if he loves her as an egghead. Sam is terrified as the seriousness of Alice's illness hits home. Meanwhile, Ashley is livid when he returns to the village with Jasmine after it transpires that she was smoking and set fire to the school gym. The teenager later admits to Sandy that she took the rap for a friend but hopes that her expulsion will mean that she will be able to stay with Laurel and Ashley permanently. Over at the Hopes’, Scott can’t believe what he's been reduced to, and when he later sees Carl, he asks about Dale View, promising to top whatever Val’s paying. Carl refuses, lying that Val's got a contract and Scott is left deflated.


Regular cast

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