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Emmerdale Wiki


Part One: Noreen is spreading the news about Adam's impending departure. Debbie's grumpy as she feels like everyone is laughing at her now the news about Jasmine and Cain is out. Laurel and Ashley are still arguing and he tells Laurel she should have gone on holiday with her parents. Donna gets fed up of Viv and Marlon planning her pregnancy around her. In preparation for showing Grayson around his 'luxury spa', Rodney has a hot tub brought over and asks Kelly to demonstrate it upon Grayson's arrival for ambience. Kelly isn't pleased but agrees when Rodney promises to treat her to an expensive pamper day in return. Adam reminds Alan he needs to collect his repeat prescription. Betty suggests he use the prescription to find out what Adam is playing at. Lisa tells Debbie that they have kicked Cain out and want her to return home. Laurel becomes annoyed at Ashley's failure to accept her apology. He suggests he should have stayed single and she storms out. Knowing full well what she is doing, Kelly gets into the hot tub without a bikini on. Grayson walks out in embarrassment. Alan is puzzled when Grace remembers Terence going in for surgery on 9th April because it was her mother's birthday. Adam insists Grace is confused but Alan isn't so sure.

Part Two: Debbie leaves Home Farm to return to Wishing Well Cottage, thanking Tom for letting her stay. Alan goes to see Steph and informs her that Adam is behaving strangely and intends to leave tomorrow. Laurel tells Ashley and Sandy she has decided to join her parents on holiday. Sandy makes Ashley realise that he needs to end their feud before things go too far. Debbie goes to collect some of her CDs from the Cricket Pavilion. Jasmine finds her there and apologises. She tells Debbie she feels used as Cain only slept with her to get at Debbie and explains how Laurel and Ashley are fighting and may split up and fears she's going to lose everything. They hug. Val shows Marlon and Donna some designs for the house but they aren't impressed. Alan admits to Steph that he's beginning to believe her. He promises to help Steph get out of the psychiatric ward. Donna tells Val that she thinks her samples are more fitting for Viv than her. Val offers to help with some more samples that are more her taste. Debbie turns on Jasmine when she thinks she's trying to offload all the blame on Cain and not take any responsibility for what happened. She reveals to Jasmine that she's taking satisfaction is knowing what she's lost and doesn't intend to forgive her. Ashley forgives Laurel and admits he has overreacted as she prepares to leave. They make up but she still insists they need some space and leaves to catch her flight. Outside the church, Jasmine is shocked to see Laurel leaving in a taxi.


Regular cast[]

Guest cast[]



Memorable dialogue[]

Rodney Blackstock: "Do you think Alan Sugar got where he is by refusing to market his ideas creatively?"
Kelly Windsor: "I don't think he was ever asked to model a hot tub."

Eric Pollard: "The council are proposing a cultural exchange with a little villiage in the Horn of Africa. I thought I would take a few tokens of Yorkshire culture."
Betty Eagleton: "Another free holiday is it, Pollard? Or just one of your Spanish scams, eh?"
Eric Pollard: "I was thinking of bringing back an old malevolent artefact... unless you think two in the villiage is overkill."
