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Part One: Adam bundles some cash into an envelope. Ashley keeps calling Laurel but reaches her answerphone. He takes his frustrations out on Jasmine. Sandy encourages him to be more kind. Adam asks Eric to ship a package over with some time capsule artefacts he is planning to send over to Africa. Eric agrees for a price. Steph tells Alan that she is getting to quite like the clinic and isn't sure she wants to leave. Noreen and Val wind each other up. Noreen tells Val she only hangs around with her because she knows she's loaded. Jo has borrowed Katie's shirt without her permission and managed to spill wine down it. She also uses all the hot water. Alan is desperate to get Steph out and wants her to spin the staff a yarn to get out. He accuses her of giving up and encourages her to fight, saying Adam will get what he wants if she stays there. Betty is convinced that Noreen's accusation about Val is truth. Edna intends to cope alone at the choir rehearsal without Laurel. Steph takes Alan into her assessment with her.

Part Two: Adam packs his things in readiness to leave. Steph explains at her assessment that she made the whole thing up and only said Adam killed Terence to get his attention. When she is asked if she wants to return and live with Alan, she dashes out upset saying she doesn't know. Adam arrives for his leaving do at the Woolpack, it's a rather mute affair. Louise tips Val off that rumours are spreading she is only putting up with Noreen because she's loaded but Val reveals she isn't loaded at all. Steph is released and heads home with Alan. Jamie asks Katie to do a few shifts at the night café. The choir turn on Edna as she tries to change the entire routine in Laurel's absence and bosses them around. Ashley apologises to Jasmine for being unkind to her and they make up. Eric reveals to Adam that Alan has been with Steph at her assessment day when he wonders why Alan hasn't come along to his leaving do. Andy isn't pleased to learn Katie has taken a few shifts at the night café. Adam makes his excuses in an attempt to get away as soon as possible. Val confronts Nora over her spreading rumours that she's out to fleece her. Nora insists she's just having fun with her. Laurel finally calls Ashley back. Adam leaves the Woolpack intending to leave, just in time to see Steph get out of a taxi with Alan. She takes great pleasure in watching him squirm as she asks Adam to take her bag out of the car. Alan is concerned about Steph but she insists she intends to call the shots now.


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  • This episode aired at the later time of 10.00pm due to World Cup scheduling.
  • ITVX synopsis: Turner tries to get Steph released, but she isn't sure she wants to leave. Jamie asks Katie to work the night shift at the café.
  • Viewing Figures: UK broadcast - 4,550,000 viewers (32nd place).