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Emmerdale Wiki


Jo pushes Debbie to sign the adoption form for Sarah, but Debbie reveals that all her post is at Tug Ghyll and Viv won't let her in the house. Jo persuades Bob to let Debbie have the keys. Debbie is shaken when she opens the adoption letter as she realises that it will separate her from Sarah forever. Debbie tells Jo that she needs more time to think. Victoria is mortified when Jack mentions her psychiatric appointment in front of sexy young farmhand Jake. She's touched when Jake later kindly asks her how the appointment went. A hopeful Victoria asks him to the Cricket Pavilion for a few cans, but she's left disappointed when Jake fails to make a move. Chas visits Lexi at Brook Cottage and she's suspicious to find Carl, along with a wine bottle and two glasses. Lexi insists that nothing is going on and she's just trying to keep Carl sweet until the trustee papers are signed. Chas warns her not to play games with her and she later tells Scarlett to watch her back as not everyone has her best interests at heart. Also, Viv pretends to Paddy that she went through with the aerobatic display.


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