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Emmerdale Wiki


Cain pays Chas and Debbie a visit at the Woolpack and by way of an apology for his attitude, hands them a wad of cash, insisting that they have a night out on him. Returning to Tug Ghyll, Cain pours Charity a glass of wine as she emerges from upstairs in her dressing gown. The atmosphere's wrought with sexual tension as Cain seeks reassurance from Charity over the reason for her return. However, they're interrupted when Debbie returns, her plans to go out have gone awry. Thrilled to see her parents getting on so well, Debbie heads straight to bed and Charity makes to follow. Pulling her back, Cain moves in for a passionate kiss but Cain is left aching with desire when Charity deflects his advances and kisses him on the cheek, before heading to bed herself. Elsewhere, Sally menacingly watches as Laurel's coat is ablaze but as Marlon witnesses the flames, he shouts to warn Laurel and Sally suddenly springs into action. As Laurel's sleeve catches fire, Sally throws her coat over the flames and brings Laurel to the ground, rolling over her and extinguishing the fire. Marlon then races in and dowses them with a bucket of water, before Ashley leads a dazed but unharmed Laurel into the house. With everyone's attention and worries focused on Laurel, Sally's incredulous that her actions aren't being acknowledged. However, as the situation settles, the focus turns to Sally and she basks in the praise. Back at Mulberry Cottage, Sally feels sidelined by Ashley's concern for Laurel and in an attempt to get some of the attention, she pretends to catch her burned hand. Emphasising her own bravery, Sally feigns injury and again revels in the attention that soon ensues. Meanwhile, Moira becomes concerned when she witnesses Holly and Aaron flirting. Sensing Moira's unease, Marlon promises to check on Aaron's intentions towards Holly. Giving Moira some peace of mind, she's touched by his sincerity.


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