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Emmerdale Wiki


Charity's incredulous that Cain's planned their wedding behind her back and insists that she's not marrying him. However, when he tells her how much he loves her, she begins to rethink her position. After much persuasion, she finally relents and agrees to go through with it. As she prepares for her big day in the register office toilets, Charity starts to get cold feet, unable to believe what she's about to do. Overcoming her doubts, she pulls herself together and emerges from the toilets looking stunning. However, as she prepares to say her vows, she finds herself speechless. Natasha's on edge as Nicola informs her that the bank called. Letting Nicola go home early, Natasha summons the courage to ring the bank but is perturbed by the abrupt phone call. Afterwards, Natasha puts on a cheery facade when she realises that Katie overheard the conversation. Natasha brushes off the call as irrelevant but when Katie leaves, it's clear that Natasha's at breaking point. Edna reprimands Thomas and Anya when she finds Thomas ringing the church bell. Later, seeking revenge, Thomas locks Edna and Laurel in the church. Laurel begins to panic at being trapped again but is relieved when Edna remembers the spare key Ashley arranged following her ordeal.


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