Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Laurel struggles to come to terms with Ashley's revelation and angrily snaps at him for putting himself in a situation where he was alone with Sally. Pulling herself together, Laurel's determined not to let Sally successfully ruin her marriage and ushers Ashley to the police station. As they walk in, Ashley's hesitant and with Laurel's support, he informs the desk sergeant that he's there to report an incident. Meanwhile, Adam accosts Aaron about Paddy's injuries. Aaron's quick to jump down Adam's throat but Adam pushes him for the truth. With that, Aaron reluctantly confesses to beating up Paddy, but walks away without explaining. Adam thoughtfully watches his friend walk away, eager to learn the truth behind Aaron's angry outburst. Elsewhere, Charity returns from her job and is greeted with domestic chaos when Cain plays up his exhaustion, having looked after Noah while she's been away. Also, Marlon's pleased to see that Rhona's back in the village; Andy reassures Doug that he doesn't have a problem with him and Diane dating; Charlie's intrigued by Rodney's glamorous boss Natasha; and Rhona's suspicious when Marlon's cagey about Paddy's injuries.


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