Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


The one person who can put a (sort of) smile on Aaron’s face is Adam. He goes to see Aaron in hospital, dares to make a joke about his suicide bid and doesn’t get thumped! Chas hopes Adam will get Aaron to open up because he's not prepared to confide in her. Upset, Chas turns to Carl, who's stunned when she tells him why Aaron tried to kill himself. She must think that her son saying he doesn’t want everyone to know he's the only gay in the village really means he wants everyone and the Dingle dog to know. He doesn’t, Chas! But, let's face it, sooner or later the truth will come out. Will Aaron come out with it, though?Eli is another depressed Dingle. Thanks to Sam, illegal Olena has been hauled out of Emmerdale and Eli is heartbroken. He's angry, too, and Marlon has to step in when Eli turns on Sam again in The Woolpack. On a more friendly footing are Natasha and Faye. Well, Natasha can feel more superior again now that she's got her new business partner, dishy Declan, and she enjoys showing him off to an impressed Faye.


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