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Emmerdale Wiki


It is the day of Terry's funeral. Nikhil tells Charity he is worried for Jai's safety because of Cain. Katie tells Gennie that Henshall took her out last night and she feels safe with him. Charity yells at Cain for threatening Jai at the garage. Debbie frog marches them both home. Gennie gets T.J. ready for the funeral and tells him that Terry will be watching him from heaven. T.J. says he doesn't want him to be in heaven. Brenda consoles him and they come up with a plan to comfort each other should they start to cry. Ryan encourages Andy to go to the funeral. Debbie makes Charity and Cain promise to stop arguing. As the funeral service begins, Andy enters the church. Brenda sees him and becomes agitated and tells Ashley to stop as she doesn't want Terry's killer in the church.


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