Emmerdale Wiki
Emmerdale Wiki


Alex lets it slip to Amy that he knows about her abortion and she storms off, furious that Victoria has been so indiscreet. Amy is further enraged by Victoria's interference when she suggests that perhaps Amy should have counselling. Soon afterwards, Amy slinks off upstairs with a bottle of spirits, but Victoria finds her drinking and threatens to tell Val. Val hurries after Victoria and Amy when they come through the B&B arguing in front of a customer. Val sends Amy home, but she heads to the pavilion and continues to drink. Her plan to lose the baby appears to be working when she feels pains in her stomach. Belle finds Amy in agony, but Amy refuses help and is doubled over in pain. Meanwhile, Gennie is set to go on her date with Nicky, while Charity tells Nikhil to talk to Gennie about his feelings. Gennie is not feeling confident about her date and wants to cancel, but Katie encourages her to go. Charity is pleased when she finally manages to persuade Nikhil to go and see Gennie. Elsewhere, John is frustrated when an inspector arrives for a spot check at the farm; Bob is thrilled to see Hazel when she drops into the café; while Nicola feels bad chasing John and Moira's repayment for Declan.


Regular cast

Guest cast
