Hotten Clinic - Centre for Sexual Health was a clinic located in Hotten.
Kim Tate visits the clinic in 1998 for a paternity test and is told that Frank Tate is the father of her child.
Jimmy King gets a fertility test in September 2004 and learns that there are no problems with his sperm count, leading him to believe that wife Sadie King is infertile. A few months later, the doctor tells them that there's no problem and could start trying for a baby straight away.
Val Pollard with Ian Chamberlain outside Hotten Clinic - Centre for Sexual Health in early 2014
Val Pollard was accompanied to the clinic by Ian Chamberlain in January 2014 for an HIV test. Val fled the consulting room however, after being too scared to go through with the test.
Laurel Thomas discovers she has Chlamydia after having a test at the clinic in June 2015.