John Gibson is the wife of Sylvia Gibson and the father of Anthony Gibson. John disapproved of Anthony's fiancee Melanie, and told him to break off the engagement, before sending him to England to search for a new wife.
Anthony returned to the village with a plan to horrify John so much that he would accept Melanie. John was thrilled when Anthony revealed he had booked an English band for him, and was desperate to meet the woman he had brought to Australia. Sylvia snapped and expressed her disappointment about John and Anthony, but John assured Anthony that Sylvia would get over it. Anthony revealed that the woman he chose (Mandy Dingle) would be playing in the band, but John was shocked to see Melanie walk on to the stage. However, John was pleased when Anthony revealed that Melanie was just a stand-in violinist, not a band member. John was appalled that Anthony chose Mandy, calling Mandy a great fat peasant behind Anthony's back, unaware he is in earshot of Mandy.
Mandy catches wind of Anthony's plan and becomes equally as eager to anger John. Mandy passionately kisses Anthony in front of John and Sylvia, before introducing herself. She lies that they are engaged, and lies that she also has a criminal record and two kid. However, she reveals that she's joking and makes clear that the whole thing is to punish John. Sylvia enjoys Mandy's game but tells John that if he doesn't let Anthony and Melanie be together, he can give her a divorce.