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Melanie Doland is Greg Doland's wife and the biological mother of Daniel Thomas.

Melanie met Laurel Thomas at Hotten General Hospital in August 2007, when they were giving birth at the same time. Due to an error at the hospital, Laurel and her husband Ashley took home Melanie's son and named him Daniel and Melanie and her husband Greg took home the Thomas's son and named him Arthur.

Greg and Melanie moved into a caravan with baby Arthur and Greg's son Jake whilst Greg and Jake rebuilt Tenant's Cottage and Viv Hope gave Melanie a job in the shop. In February 2008, baby Daniel died in his cot. The post-mortem revealed that Daniel could not be Laurel and Ashley's biological son. Laurel's mother Hilary Potts begins to suspect that the Doland's are raising her grandson, which is heightened when Hilary mentions that baby Arthur is allergic to seafood, like Laurel. Hilary offers to look after baby Arthur whilst Melanie is packing for the Doland's holiday in Spain. Greg and Melanie miss their flight when Hilary doesn't return with Arthur in time, this causes Laurel and Ashley to reveal that Daniel was not their biological son, and as Arthur was the only other boy born the same day, there is a strong probability that Arthur was the Thomas's biological son. Melanie decided to run away to Spain. Shadrach Dingle drove them to the airport unaware of their plan, but Melanie accidentally left Arthur's passport in his car. Greg and Melanie returned home but Melanie grabbed Arthur and ran away again. Ashley filed for custody of Arthur, despite Laurel not wanting to accept Arthur as their son, which meant Melanie would have to return for a DNA test. Melanie phoned Jake from Spain and instructed him to put the house up for sale, although she didn't talk to Greg. Jake admitted to Greg that he knew where Mel and Arthur are and Greg persuades her to come home and allow Arthur to have the DNA test, so at least they knew where they stood. The results revealed that Arthur is Laurel and Ashley's biological son. Melanie begged Laurel not to attend the custody hearing as that would mean she and Greg would likely be able to keep Arthur, but after a last minute change of heart. Laurel did attend the hearing. The judge ruled that Laurel and Ashley were Arthur's biological parents and Melanie and Greg must hand him over to them within 24 hours. Melanie blamed Greg for them having lost Arthur. Ashley asked Melanie for help to get Arthur to eat properly. Melanie and Greg sell their house and move to Spain following month after Laurel bonds with Arthur. Jake joined them the following year.


Address Duration
Skipdale Until 21st December 2007
Caravan in Church Lane car park 21st December 2007 to Late-April 2008
Tenant House Late-April to 1st July 2008
Spain 1st July 2008 to present

See also[]
