Penelope "Penny" Drury is a classmate of Daz Eden.
When Debbie Dingle noticed that Daz fancied Penny, she tried to get him to talk to her, but he couldn't build up the confidence. Debbie invited Penny to Daz's birthday party but it was only the two of them there. They ended up kissing on the sofa, only to be interrupted by Jack Sugden and Billy Hopwood arguing over who should look after Daz. Daz intervened saying they were ruining his birthday and his chance of getting his leg over, causing Penny to leave.
Penny returned months later when her father brought his car to Debbie's garage, where Daz worked. Penny forgave Daz and the two started dating. After a few months, Penny left a glass of vodka and coke lying around at Daz's house, which is found and drunk by Samson Dingle. When Penny showed no remorse and called Samson's father Sam names, Daz dumped her.