Phil Weston arrived with his girlfriend Maggie Calder, her children and his daughter Jess. He had recently split up with his alcoholic wife, Anne-Marie. Jess and Maggie didn’t see eye to eye at all. They fought over minor things.
Phil was stuck in the middle, but got on with Craig and Lucy. Jess continued to try and break up the new family and soon teamed up with Nicola Blackstock. Nicola plotted against Maggie, and was very friendly towards Phil.
But Maggie and Phil's relationship survived. In the end, Jess left the village with her mother. Phil was upset about this, but soon got over it. Phil got a job working for Tate Trash.
He left the village in July 2002 when he found out Maggie had an affair with Nicola's father Rodney Blackstock.