Robblesfield Way heading away from the village.

Robblesfield Way heading towards the village.
Robblesfield Way is a road running between Emmerdale and Robblesfield.
Hawksford Outdoor Pursuits, Holdgate Farm, Wishing Well Cottage, Holey Scrap and Wishing Well Barn are all located on the road. The street postal code is HT3 6ND.
Buildings on Robblesfield Way[]
Hawksford Outdoor Pursuits
The outdoor pursuits centre which is currently owned by Laurel and Gabby Thomas. It is located on the former grounds of the sweets factory
The outdoor pursuits centre which is currently owned by Laurel and Gabby Thomas. It is located on the former grounds of the sweets factory
Wishing Well Cottage
The Dingle homestead and currently home to Sam, Lydia, Belle and Vinny Dingle as well as their dog Monty.
The Dingle homestead and currently home to Sam, Lydia, Belle and Vinny Dingle as well as their dog Monty.
Holdgate Farm
The current home of the Dawn and Billy Fletcher and their children Lucas, Clemmie, and Evan.
The current home of the Dawn and Billy Fletcher and their children Lucas, Clemmie, and Evan.
Holey Scrap
The scrap yard owned by Aaron Dingle, Adam Barton and Eric Pollard, located behind Wishing Well Cottage and Pollard's Barn.
The scrap yard owned by Aaron Dingle, Adam Barton and Eric Pollard, located behind Wishing Well Cottage and Pollard's Barn.