An unnamed Sonographer performed an ultrasound on Zoe Tate in October 2002 and informed her she was twenty-weeks pregnant.
In October 2005, the sonographer performed an ultrasound on Alice Wilson. She pointed out the baby's heartbeat and body parts to Alice's boyfriend, Sam Dingle, and assured the parents-to-be that their baby seemed normal. Alice was reluctant to look at the screen, as after the scan Alice was to undergo tests to see if she had cancer. In January 2006 she performed another scan on Alice, who was now thirty weeks pregnant, and her cancer had been confirmed. This scan showed Alice's baby was a little small and there was excess fluid surrounding the baby. She gave Alice and Sam a picture of their baby, remembering Alice didn't want to find out the gender of her unborn child. Sam said he did, so with Alice's blessing, she told them they were having a little boy.
In April 2011, the sonographer performed an ultrasound scan on heavily pregnant Rhona Goskirk. She pointed out the baby's features to Rhona, and her baby's father Marlon Dingle.