Tip was the dog of Jai Sharma.
Originally a stray, she was found by Frank Clayton in November 2017. However, since it was realised that Megan Macey was allergic to dogs, Tip was left to Jai, who was more than happy to look after her.
In December 2017, Jai dressed Tip as a reindeer for Christmas.
In January 2018, Jai hired Gerry Roberts to act as a dog walker for Tip.
In March 2018, Tip was denied a piece of the chocolate caterpillar birthday cake made for Eliza Macey's 2nd birthday, Jai citing that it is "very bad for doggies."
On 20th January 2020, Tip was killed after he was accidentally run over by Andrea Tate. Feeling guilty, she buried his body in the woods.
Tip was mentioned in June 2021 as after Andrea's dog Princess nearly died from heatstroke, Meena Jutla told Andrea's boyfriend Charles Anderson about how Andrea had killed Tip.